My life is in a very dry place right now and I’m frustrated.
In January, I took over “Changing One Heart for Many…” and at the time I felt it was the right decision. I know it was the RIGHT decision! It’s been an honor to share about how lives and hearts have been changed by God’s truth. To have one’s heart that was once pro-abortion become pro-life can only mean one thing…another baby gets to live and experience life as God has planned.
But lately, I have felt very repetitive in my writing. It seems to be a great struggle for me to put my thoughts on paper (computer). When I first started this journey, the words came out like rushing water and I knew telling my story, their stories (God’s Story) was important and I believe it still is but for right now I need to stop and be still.
God has asked me to remove myself from blogging. I’m not sure what He has planned for me, but I do know He has a plan. Thank you all for your faithfulness in praying with me and standing in the gap for the unborn!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
You might find it disheartening that when I was 11 weeks pregnant I chose to have an abortion, even after seeing my pre-born baby's heart beating at 6 weeks.
Like must women who have gone down that road, the road of abortion, I covered the choice I made with layers of excuses, hoping to never face the reality of the life I once carried inside me. For years, I ignored the whispering voice of our Creator, who tried to get me to look at the (heart) face of my child, wanting me to see that his life was just as important .
Christian, my child, tomorrow would've been your birthday. I would have been planning your 20th birthday dinner with the family. Oh, how I wish I had given you life instead of death. To let you live out the plans that God had already set in place for you as you were being formed in my womb. But I was too consumed by the lies around me and I believed this was best for both of us. My heart ached in silence for years over the choice I made and my very being longed to see you grow into the life God had planned for you. I would cry when no one was around, longing to go back before that day I walked into the clinic. Even though I’ve never seen your face nor heard your voice, you have always been apart of me.The voice I long to hear today, is the voice I silenced...I'm so very sorry.
For years I tried to avoid your memory but today I'm embracing it. I’m thankful that I wasn’t turned away when I came to God with this awful sin of abortion and repented. I remember the day I finally acknowledged your existence. It was then God gently removed the scales from my eyes, allowing me to see your precious face as He spoke these words to me “Go ahead and hold him. I want you to see him the way I see him. You need to love him the way I love him…now hold him.”
For the first time Christian, I held you in my heart and it felt so wonderful. So perfect.
I John 3:19-20 This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.
Father God,
I pray for the those who still see the abortion instead of the child(ren) and that their eyes will be opened so they can live in the forgiveness You long for them to have. Father, we ask for hearts to be changed, to see the destruction that is taking place in our nation.
Holy Spirit, we know it is Your presence that will bring those who are hiding to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Please see that our hearts long for the day when we will embrace our children and not destroy them.
O Lord, look among your people see those who are faithful to this calling and bless them.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!
Reading these quotes, reminded me of my mother's wisdom as she lead me down the road called "Life." (smile)
Mom would say:
"If the farmer can get the milk free from the cow, he isn't gonna buy it!"
"Well honey, if their talking about you, then they're leaving everyone else alone."
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
I can’t seem to get Father’s Day out of my mind, even though the official celebration is over. I keep thinking about the young man (I shared in post wk 14 and 15) who faced an unplanned pregnancy, then made the decision to support his girlfriend with the choice to have an abortion. Repeatedly, since yesterday, the question has been “What was he feelings on Father’s Day?”
My mind filled with thoughts, as I sat in church on Father’s Day of how many men were sitting in the pews with this “secret sin.” Questions kept popping up in my little brain like.... Do they feel the same lost as the woman who physical carried the child, then went through with the abortion? Do they think about the child's birth date? Maybe they too wonder if the child would have looked like them. Could they be thinking, what it would’ve sounded like to hear “Daddy, I love you.”
That's when I thought about young man, who would be anticipating the birth of his child, if he had only trusted God. I wanted to call him on the phone to see how he was doing. To ask those very questions that earlier in the day had been swimming around in my head. But I couldn’t… so I prayed.
Father God,
I know that nothing goes unseen; You see it all. You see the hearts of so many whom everyday chooses to hide from You. Lord, I wish that I could request, on behalf of this young man, for You to forgive him of this sin, but I can’t, only he can.
So, Lord, I pray for his heart to soften along with anyone else who has been touched by abortion, so they will know of the amazing Grace and Mercy that awaits them. I ask for this one heart to be changed… In Jesus Precious Name, Amen!
Here a video of one heart that has been changed who spoke out for the Silent No More
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
Atonement- Reconciliation or an instance of reconciliation between God and humans.
“I shouldn’t be thinking this, but I want to have another baby. There's an emptiness that I'm feeling and another baby would fill it” she said with questionable voice. Immediately the thoughts of desiring to make up for what I had done came rushing back to me. I, too, made the choice to end my child’s life by having an abortion and within a year I wanted so desperately to undone my selfish act. Like the young lady, who was sitting across from me, having another baby made sense? Didn’t it?
The above conversation is not uncommon; as a matter of fact it is quite common. There is much regret after having an abortion. That is, once the feeling of relief has left and guilt takes its place, all you can think about is… how I can make it right.
The day that I conceived my daughter was to be my day of atonement with God. Our daughter was planned, at least I planned her. By having this baby, it was going to take the place of my aborted child. I wanted to show God that I was worthy of His love. I was going to show Him that I was truly sorry for placing my life before the child's life, and by having another baby, it would the ultimate sacrifice to receiving God’s forgiveness.
But within a year, I started to withdraw from her and my relationship with my daughter, Sydney, became estranged. I wanted to love her but couldn’t. Oh, I was a great pretender around other mothers. One minute, I would smother her with kisses and the next minute I was telling her how much of a burden she had become. Feelings of guilt and angry swirled around her for the next thirteen years of her life.
Soon I realized that I wasn’t the only one with these feelings and that I couldn’t do ANYTHING to earn God’s forgiveness! His forgiveness was free! God sent his Son to die for my sins (our sins), all of them,and all I needed was to confess, receive God's forgiveness and believe in His Son.
His Son was the Atonement for my sins... not my child.
Romans 4:7-8 “Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him."
Today, my relationship with my daughter has been restored and I’m so blessed to be her mother. She is growing into a beautiful young woman inside and out. I can’t explain why Sydney holds no animosity towards me.
She once explained to a newspaper reporter (who was writing about the abortion) her thoughts about our relationship. When asked if she understood why her mother acted this way towards her, her reply was “All I knew was that my mommy did love me and I loved her. She just didn’t know how to show me, until she could love herself.”
Father, my heart can't even express how thankful I am for Your love that filled my child's heart, when I couldn't.
Father God,
Thank you for Your love that continues to flow through us, even when we don't know how to love. Thank you for never leaving us during our times of rebellion and I ask for the Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those who are still hiding from You. I pray that they will hear Your whispering words..."Where are you, my child?" In Jesus name...Amen!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
I’m not much of a novel reader. Actually, it takes a great storyteller to draw me in andFrancine Rivers did just that withThe Atonement Child.
The storyline is on a subject that is very close to my heart, a subject that is so controversial…abortion.
With every page that was turned, the lives of the characters drew me in...I couldn’t put this book down! The writer takes the issue of abortion and shows us how many lives are touched by this so called “choice.” If you're looking for a good (great) book to read during your lazy days this summer...this one is it!
Here's the review from Amazon: "In one terrifying moment, Dynah Carey's perfect life is shattered by rape, her future irrevocably altered by an unwanted pregnancy, and her doting family torn apart. Her seemingly rock-solid faith is pushed to the limits as she faces the most momentous choice of her life--to embrace or to end the untimely life within her."
Father God,
I want to give You thanks today, for always being there to listen when we call upon Your name. Thank you for the changed hearts who heard Your whisper to trust You with their pregnancy. Thank you for the lives that now give glory to Your name because of the "choice" their mothers made to give them life!
Father, I pray that You'll bring comfort and renewal to those who did not trust You with their pregnancy. I ask, that their hearts will know how much You love them and that they will hear You say... "come home my child, I never stopped loving you." In Jesus name...Amen!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day, I know for some that it can be difficult. Just a few weeks ago, I had someone say that because of their abortion, Mother's Day is a sad time for her. I totally understand, any loss of a child is difficult.
A lot has been going on; as I'm sure your life is pretty busy too. You would think with all the technology, we'd have a lot of free time (like the Jetsons, now I'm dating myself) but this doesn't seem to be true.
Well, God has brought several women in my life, who I will be meeting with weekly as they go though the abortion recovery bible study. Our ministry Beyond the Choice at the CPC has some plans in the works to get out into the community to make the post abortion issue more visible. I'm also teaching a women's class at church 'Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl' whichhas taken off strong. Oh, let me not forgot the most important part of my life...time with God and family.
I've decided that I need to put things in the right order. So, I'll only be posting every two weeks the Changing One Heart for Many. I'm sure you've noticed in the last couple of weeks I've been late, and that has bothered me. When I do God's work, I want to do it well!
May I ask from time to time that you would send up a prayer for me and this ministry? Thank you.
Here's a movie that I pray will get out into the theaters, but as you will read, satan is already on the move. Let's reminder to pray for the will of God to done and for Truth to prevail!
New York, NY ( -- The premier of the movie "Blood Money," which exposes the abortion industry, has been canceled after the theater was threatened by abortion advocates. Roman Jaquez, an independent film maker and artist produced the documentary -- which contains interviews of whistle-blowing former employees of abortion centers. Read the full articlehere.
President Obama has nominated Elena Kagan to replace Justice Stevens on the Supreme Court.
Matthew 6:10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Father God,
Life seems to be spinning out of control to all of us, yet NOTHING surprises You. Lord, we know that You are God and we are not, so we come to You seeking Your will to be done. Even when things seem so hopeless, we will speak with our mouths the hope that You have given us through Your son, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Last week was incredible. I had the opportunity, actually three opportunities, to share God’s amazing grace.
When giving my testimony, it’s bittersweet when I think of my child, Christian, who lost his life through abortion. My choice stopped his heartbeat. The unplanned pregnancy had blocked his precious face. My disobedience pushed the truth of God far from my heart. Yet, God didn’t give up on me. He sent His words to change my heart and someone’s testimony to see His unfailing love.
That’s why I do what I do, not for me, but for someone who might be sitting out in the audience, thinking they are the only one with this secret sin.
As I scan the faces that are staring back at me, my eyes meet hers and she knows this message is finding a place in her heart, which she has guarded for many years. It’s a message of forgiveness. Its time that she too experiences the freedom that comes from trusting God and the freedom to wonder if her baby would have had…her eyes.
Revelation 12:11 And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.
You are Worthy of all Praise and Honor. So, we lifted our eyes and we lift our hands to praise You. It seems like this a battle to save the lives of the unborn is becoming harder and harder. We praying for great favor to those who will stand in the gap for the unborn. There were those who once lost but are now living in Your Truth, we ask that they would have the courage to give their testimony on how Great You are! Give us wise and strength to oppose the enemy.
Jesus, You alone give hope to hopeless. Oh Lord, draw nearer to the women who are contemplating an abortion and restore those who have been affected by an abortion(s). In Jesus Mighty Name...Amen!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
She told me that she enjoyed the company of her son’s girlfriend and from time to time, she would share with this young woman about her abortion. She let her know how it had affected her and those closes to her. I remember looking into her eyes, and seeing the pain of hopelessness as grandmother’s voice became shaky speaking these words “I wish that I could have had just a few minutes with her. I know all she sees right now is a situation and that this is the best solution.” “You see, I thought the same thing. My life was going places and nothing was going to stop me.”
I could see the tears gently falling down her cheeks has she continued, “But you know, my life stopped the minute I placed my feet on the floor after my abortion.” “I knew what I had done and I couldn’t undo it.” Then in a whisper, she said, “I thought I’d never be holding on to this secret, again.”
The words that you are about read came from her journal, with her permission.
It’s over. Yesterday your life ended. I tried to convince your daddy that there was a better way. I pray that your death will not be in vain, but will one day bring you daddy and mommy to the Cross. Oh, the Cross… is a beautiful place to find rest and forgiveness.
Your mom and dad couldn’t see beyond the circumstance. I think they believed it was better to not hold you, then to have held you only to place you in someone else arms.
I know the fear they were feeling and the voice that convinced me that there was no other way, so many years ago. I have mourned for many years for the child I’ll never hold because of my abortion. There are times I wonder about all the plans God had for my child and now, I will wonder about you…little one.
Psalm 139:13
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Abba Father,
You are Holy. Nothing is hidden from You, for You are the Creator of all things. We pray that our eyes would be open fully to the evil that is surrounding us. Give us the voice to speak out for the children. Give us the heart to embrace those who are now hurting, because they have seen the life that was lost.
I ask God that our government would be shaken and brought to their knees and seek You to do Your will and not theirs. In Jesus Mighty Name…Amen!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
April, for the last several years, is Post -Abortion Awareness Month. As long as abortion is legal in this country, we will have women who are silently hurting because of their decision. Nevertheless, abortion doesn’t stop there, it touches other family members as well. From my own personal experience with the difficulty of bonding with my daughter for years, it also reaches deep into the lives of the fathers, grandparents, and siblings. Here is some thoughts of a grandparent who knew that she was about to lose her grandchild to an abortion.
She has given me permission to share with you the struggle that was going on in her heart, because of this act that was about to be hidden in the secret place… a place she was all too familiar with.
As her son opened up about the pregnancy, explaining to her the circumstances that would soon lead to having an abortion, her heart grew heavy. She tried to reason with him. She suggested the wonderful gift of adoption. She even offered to help him with parenting but all he kept saying was… "there’s nothing I can do, she’d made up her mind." The grandmother longed to go to this young woman and share with her the heaviness on her heart, which is still with her today because of the ‘choice’ she made so many years ago to having an abortion. However, he wouldn’t let her, for she wasn’t suppose to know of about this child that had been conceived. If she went, she could lose her son and if she didn’t she would lose her grandchild.
After her son had left for the evening, she went before her Lord in prayer and looked to Him for comfort. This was one of her prayers.
Dear Lord,
We only have a few days, but You already know that. Today my heart is heavy and sad for the child that is inside the mother’s womb. I understand her confusion, thinking this is the best choice. O God, the best choice would be to call upon You, Lord, to see that this life wants to live.
I will pray and fast, God, for this child. My grandchild. Even through the enemy is whispering lies into my heart and the heart of the parents; I know You have not forsaken me... Amen.
Let us pray for those whose loved ones who have died through abortion.
Our Heavenly Father,
We give praise to All-Mighty God. The Maker of the Universe, we praise You. You, who hear our cries and collects our tears in bottle. We pray, as believers in Jesus Christ for Your love to cover those who are hurting in silence. Who had no voice in the decision of the child, whose life was lost through an abortion. May they be drawn to a place or to someone that can help them deal with their loss. We thank you, God, in advance for the many hearts that will be healed and who will make a difference in standing up for the unborn. In Jesus name…Amen
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
Several weeks ago, our paper reported about a pharmacist who was charged with his ‘other’ girlfriend’s miscarriage. When this ‘other’ girlfriend told him that she was pregnant in January (he at the time was engaged to another woman), he said that he could use the drug misoprostol to bring on a miscarriage. It was then she told him she would have an abortion and set the appointment for February 24, but later cancelled it and decided to have and keep the baby. It was then he administered the drug to his girlfriend without her permission, which resulted in a miscarriage. He was arrested and charged with criminal homicide of an unborn child, along with several other charges. Read the whole story here.
We know this isn’t the first time that someone has been charged with taking the life of a unborn child, yet a woman has the ‘right’ to end the life of her unborn child through abortion. How is it possible to think that life is precious in one breath, then in the next breath it’s worth nothing? This is so hard for me to comprehend, today. Yet, it wasn’t always that way.
During the first 11 weeks of my pregnancy, I made a mental list of the pros and cons of why this baby should live, like as if I was purchasing something of material value. My action was no different then the man in the above article accepts for one thing, that the law gave me permission. I am so confused with the way our nation views this issue I have come to this conclusion…we don’t FEAR GOD!
There are many things that we fear in life. Like someone entering our home at night, that’s why we lock our doors or we look both ways before we cross a busy intersection because we fear of getting hit by a vehicle. Yet, many of us don’t fear God. I think sometimes we make light of how great our God is. We put a lot of fluff around Him, so that He will appear to be a God who tolerates our actions instead of honoring Him through obedience. I know it's important to show God as merciful, full of grace and loving but let us not stop there. For when we come to know the full character of God, it's only then we can live life to the fullest!
Psalm 112:1
Praise the LORD.
Blessed is the man who fears the LORD,
who finds great delight in his commands.
Dear Father,
Praise be to You! Praise to our LORD! We pray that Your love would consume us and bring forth an obedient heart. Forgive us when we call out praises to You yet ignore Your commends. God, forgive our nation for being double –minded on this issue, like those given the authority to make laws. Let them see that an unborn child is just that, a child.
Father, we pray also for those who have made the choice to have an abortion, that they will know when they confess their sin before You, they are forgiven and You remember NO more. We thank you for Your love that never gives up on us. In the precious name of Jesus…Amen!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
Shame and guilt covered me. Anger took residence in my heart. Bitterness was now flowing through my veins. Little by little, that same bitterness was now trying to find its way into my daughter’s heart. I wanted to love her, yet these words came to me often… “You fool, why would you have another child when you didn’t want the one you killed?”
For ten years after my abortion, I tried to go on with my life. I still remember the rehearsed words the nurse spoke to me that day “You’re doing great. It’s almost over. In a little while you’ll be able to get on with you life.”
I had an abortion to do just that, to ‘get on with my life’. Yet I couldn’t. The whirlwind of emotions that was consuming me was also affecting my relationship with my daughter. Then one day God spoke and I listened. He showed me that my ‘secret’ wasn’t hidden from Him and it was time to deal with it! Within a few days, I heard a woman testify of the love and forgiveness that she received from our Lord, when she confessed her abortion(s). She was offering an abortion recovery Bible study to anyone who was hiding this secret and who was willing to trust God. I knew it was time.
These last few weeks have been amazing, but when God is the focus, it always is. I had the privilege of sharing my story (God’s Story) with the Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center in Towanda, Pa. and United with Christ Church in Johnson City, NY. In addition, on April 28, I will be speaking at a pro-life fundraiser in Binghamton, NY and on May 1 will be doing a dramatic monologue of ‘The Woman at the Well’ at New Fellowship Church in Endicott, NY. I would so appreciate your prayers.
Through God’s grace, I have been able to speak so freely of how He has taken something so ugly and has covered it with love. After telling my story (God’s Story), women are now willing to reveal their ‘secret’, maybe for the first time. This is very humbling. At the first two events, I had six women tell me that they too had abortions. Let us pray today for these women, and for all those who are still afraid of trusting God with this secret.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NLT)
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
Father God,
We offer You words of praise. We offer You a thankful heart. We offer You a surrendered life to Your plans. As believers we have seen, in our own lives, the great things You have done and so we ask that the hearts of the women who have heard, would responded.
We pray that they would not ignore Your voice and would no longer cover their sin of abortion. For we know nothing can be hidden from You!
Holy Spirit, cover them with Your comforting hands and guide them to a place where they will feel safe to finally allow You to heal their pain. In Jesus name...Amen!
Did you participate in the Red Envelopeslast year? I did. As a matter of fact, it was neat how God provided the red envelopes, I'll share that story at another time. So, I received this email from Christ Otto, he's the one who came up with the idea. Well kinda, we know where it originally came from...God. :) Go ahead and read the information before and lets get those red envelopesmailed!
Red Envelopes Campaign
Please join me in sending Congress the message that abortion is not healthcare.
Last year I shared a dream I had about red envelopes flooding the White House. To my surprise, it resulted in over 2.5 million red envelopes overwhelming the mailroom of the White House. More importantly, it got many individuals involved in the Pro-Life movement who felt that they had been disenfranchised. Most stunning of all, these millions of red envelopes were generated without a central organization, a public relations firm, or a budget. It was men, women, and children who care about life that made it happen.
Sadly, the mainstream media ignored this story, even though the Washington Post was aware of the campaign, and members of Congress contacted me personally. At the time, the mainstream media outlets I spoke to refused to cover the story. More tragically, the President and his party continue to advance the expansion and funding of abortion with your tax dollars. We need your help to create a sea of red in Washington that no one can ignore.
From now until April 4, 2010, please put 3 red letters for life in the mail. You can use an envelope, a postcard, or even a piece of red paper in a white envelope. On your letter for life, write your personal message against the public funding of abortion. Make it simple, and make it red.
Send your three letters to:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
522 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Red envelopes can be found at any card store after Valentine's day. You can also purchase red card stock at any craft store. Encourage your parish, church, small group, youth group, or friends to take this project on together. Postcards made of card stock are less expensive to mail. I encourage you to use your creativity, but please do not use this concept for fundraising or to sell a product. Last year the Youtube videos were great!
Send me an email with a photo of your letters for life. I will get these into the alternative media. My email is
Forward this email to everyone you know. This will not work unless there is as broad support as possible. Last year this worked because many people offered a hand. Many still don't understand that the internet empowers YOU to speak.
You can make a difference.
And please pray for our nation. We need a rebirth of freedom.
Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins, and the sin of my nation. God, end abortion, and send revival to America.
Thanks for your time, and for your help.
Christ Otto
(nope, it's not misspelled, and rhymes with "wrist")
I added the video.
Heavenly Father,
We praise You, All Mighty God and give You thanks for You are good. We love You, Lord and thank you for stirring our hearts to do what is right. Not what man calls "right" in his own eyes but what is "RIGHT" in the sight of God! We pray that Washington, D.C. would be flooded with red envelopes in the next couple of weeks, just like Egypt was overcome by the locusts. To show this nation that abortion is not God's way! Teach us, O Lord, and give us strength to leave our comfort zone to fight for the unborn. In Mighty name of Jesus Christ...Amen!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
Washington, DC ( -- The House of representatives tonight approved the pro-abortion Senate health care bill on a 219-212 vote with a 34 Democrats joining Republicans against it. Read the rest here,
Well for months, this battle has been going on and it passed by four votes. Here’s my thought. I don’t want (my) taxpayers money to pay for any abortion. I don’t want any private insurance company to pay for an abortion. I don’t want abortion legal!
2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Father God,
We, as Your people, believers in Christ Jesus confess the sin of our nation concerning abortion, the loss of over 45 million babies. Your Word tells us that righteousness exalts a nation but that sin is a reproach to any people. We pray for the leaders of this country that their hearts will soften and that their eyes will see God’s Truth.
We ask for the people of this nation that laugh at Your righteousness and call You, their God, would humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways!
I'm sorry that Changing One Heart wasn't up early. My life is a little busy right now with family,teaching and speaking. I love being busy for the Lord and I'll share, hopefully next Monday.
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
She spoke with no shame. Her voice was calm as she made this confession… “I’ve had an abortion, and not one but four. I am no longer ashamed. Jesus Christ changed my life.” She continued with her testimony and by the end of my first abortion recovery class, I knew I wanted what she had!
That was over 13 years ago when those words first penetrated my heart. Since then, God has called me to testify of His forgiveness and grace to those who are running from the Mercy seat because of their abortion(s).
Revelation 12:11 (NIV) They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;
This one sin was going to the grave with me. This was one act that when discussed in a group setting you would hear “I could never have an abortion, I would never do that.”
I remember the first time I spoke about my abortion publicly. My husband and I were giving our testimony of our restored marriage in front of about 50 couples at church. I knew that we needed to uncover this part of our lives because our abortion was done out of anger, unforgiveness and bitterness towards each other. As I started to say that we had had an abortion, my legs became weak. I couldn’t breathe and tears that were welling up blurred my vision. I was terrified…what were they going to think? It was then that my husband placed his hand on my back and finished my sentence.
Well, I’ve come a long way since that day … the day the enemy tried to keep our secret sin a secret. Now I proclaim God’s forgiveness toward my abortion with no shame and a calm voice.
In upcoming months, I have the opportunity to share my story (God’s Story). Along with my testimony, I will be performing a dramatic monologue presentation of the ‘Woman at the Well’ at several churches and a crisis pregnancy center. Would you please join me in prayer for the many women in attendance, that they will hear and receive God’s message through me as His vessel.
Isaiah 55:10-11 (NLT) The rain and snow come down from the heavens
and stay on the ground to water the earth.
They cause the grain to grow,
producing seed for the farmer
and bread for the hungry.
11 It is the same with my word.
I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
Abba Father,
We give you thanks,oh Lord, with all of our hearts. Your love towards us, we can't even begin to measure it.
Lord, we pray for the women that are carrying around the heavy burden of their abortion. Father, we ask for Your Mighty hand to gently reach down and touch them.
We ask for their ears to hear Your words and that they would receive it as a love letter. Your Word has the power to change one's heart. You tell us that Your Word will not come back void and will accomplish what You desire.
We have all fallen short and there is nothing that can be hidden from You, may this truth be revealed.
So, we ask that You would bring those that need to be at the events and for the enemy's mouth to be silenced! We pray for each woman who has been running from You, that she will turn and run to You. We pray she will to take her abortion to the foot of the Cross, forsake it and exchange it for Your forgiveness. We ask this in Your son's name, Jesus Christ...Amen!
If you missed the earlier post, you can view it here Changing One Heart for Many. I was going to add a video today but I think I will display it next week. Let us pray.
Father God,
You are All-Knowing and nothing is hidden from You. You see the destruction of thousands who's lives have and are ending because of abortion. You see hundreds of women hurting, hiding and walking around feeling empty because of the lies that were told to them.
Lord, You have given us a heart that desires to stand up for what is right in Your eyes, now give us a voice of truth when confronted with evil. Give us words that would be bold and with authority to crush the works of satan! We have no trouble praying to You for change but use us to move in the direction to bring change! Not the President's way of change but YOUR WAY!!!
We pray today God, for the Holy Spirit to shake the heart of our President, Congressman, Senators and Representatives. We pray as they look at the women and children that pass by them in their everyday lives, they will realized they have sinned because of their votes against the All Mighty God and come to the full understand of Your amazing grace! In Jesus name...Amen
This couldn't wait until Monday.
Although I'm not good at comprehending all the political talk on Capitol Hill, I do know that our Representatives need to hear from us! Here the link: Stop The Abortion Mandate that gives you the latest information about what's happening with the healthcare bill. You'll find the link there, enabling you to connect your Representative.
If you've experienced an abortion(s), please share with them your story. I believe when we tell our story and how our "choice" touched our lives, it changes the heart. My letter went out yesterday.
Exodus 14:15 (NIV) Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.
Our prayers are very important, they move the heart of God. But I also know that God calls us to take action. For the last several years, I've spoken out on how abortion affected my life but I never got involved in the political part of it. The only time I move in that direction is when I cast my vote during election, it's always for the candidate who is against abortion, but in the last year I've been a voice for the unborn by letting politicians know where I stand.
Please won't you take a few minutes, that's all it takes, just a few minutes and let those in Washington hear from you. There are future lives depending on us.
On Monday I will have a video and prayer...Thank you for your faithfulness!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
To all of you who nominated my blog over at Internet Cafe Devotions for TOP 100 Christian Women’s blogs. What an honor it is to be placed among some talented writers, it has truly blessed me.
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
There was the truth, her friend’s 13-week-old baby moving on the screen during the ultra-sound. It all came flooding back, the memory of her abortion as she held the 2 1/2-inch, 12-week fetal model in the palm of her hand. This would have been the size of her baby at the time of the abortion. Looking at the tiny soft model, she kept repeating…"I didn't know, I didn't know."
Like most of us, we didn’t know or maybe we didn’t want to know, either way when the discussion of abortion comes up its a good idea to be able to talk about the personhood and not situation. At our center's banquet this year, we handed out a powerful book, ‘Why Pro-Life’ by Randy Alcorn. This book tackles the controversy issues with compassionate answers to some of the difficult debates one might face with abortion.
Do you know what takes place at the time of conception?
Before my abortion, even though I saw the heart beat at 6-weeks, I still thought I was dealing with a bunch of cells and it had no sense of feeling in the first trimester. Boy was I wrong! Here are a few things that I’ve learned since then.
1. The baby has its only DNA
2. 5 to 9 days after conception, his or her gender can be determined through scientific testing.
3. The preborn after conception may not appear human to us because of how we judge the appearance of a human being. However, it is at this stage of what we humans look like.
4. Twenty-one days the heart is pumping blood though the body.
When we choose to ignore the truth about the unborn, it can be very deadly.
Hosea 4:6a My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Heavenly Father,
We come and give praise to Your Name, all Mighty God. We look to Your for instruction, and to show us Your ways and Your heart. As a nation and as individuals , we have drafted from Your Turth...please forgive us.
We ask for You to bend down and hear from those that praise Your name and look to You for guidance. We pray that our government and the people of this nation will be brought to a place where they will see the destruction that is taking place because of their own knowledge. We pray for Your ways, desires, and truth to fill the hearts of those that call upon Your name. In Jesus Mighty Name...Amen!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
On February 8th I posted about Christians who are pro-abortion. I want to thank you for praying and the supporting comments that were left. But I don’t always receive such support. Many times I contribute to Cypress Times which is located in Texas; some times I’ll use the same posting from my blog. I’m not sure if I think they are so interesting that I need to share them again or it’s just easier not to have to come up with a totally different topic. Anyway, I posted February 8th ‘Changing One Heart for Many’ and received this comment: “I think it's very dangerous when a person makes such a stern judgement about their fellow Christians. We are all responsible for our own walk and it is not up to me to determine if someone is truly born again based on something as gut wrenching as abortion. We are all individuals and we're allowed to be wrong and still be Christians.” Read the resthereby scrolling down the page.
Last week a young lady made this statement to me “I was given some booklets that had to do with spiritual counseling at the clinic where I had my abortion. It led me to believe that being religious and having an abortion was okay. I felt a little better for a while.” Later that evening I wanted to check out just what she was talking about, so I went to the abortion website and this is what I found.
After watching the video, I thought “we need to pray”. We are fighting a spiritual battle. We need to be the voice that will speak the truth of God. As followers of Christ, should we not be concerned of the deception that is blinding those who call out “Lord, Lord” yet choose to twist the Scriptures. Should we not be concerned about the millions of pre-born babies that are being aborted? Should we not be concerned for the women who believe that there is only one ‘choice’ in facing an unplanned pregnancy?
Ephesians 6:12 (Amplified Bible) For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
Father God,
There are times when we look around and see a battle that appears to big for us to fight. But You , Oh Lord, see a speck of dust that will be blown away by one mighty word spoken from Your mouth. Help us not to become discouraged as we fight this battle.Give us wisdom to know how to pray and the strength to stand against the enemy.
We pray for the lives of those who are lost in religion to see Your Truth. Awaken the heart so that they would come to a place of repentance and enter into a relationship with Your Son , Jesus. We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
There’s a clinic in our town where they offer the woman a stone just before they walk her down the hall to perform the abortion. This stone is to symbolize the difficult choice she is making and to help her through it.
The first time I heard about this was when a young lady came to the center for a pregnancy test. As we sat across from each other, I started to ask her some routine questions which lead to her sharing with me about her abortions. Half way through her story she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a small semi-glossy stone. I’m sure the look on my face was puzzling, because it was then she began to explain where she got it and why it was given to her. She said they told her that this stone would help her get through this difficult time and that it would bring healing. For the first time I was at a loss for words. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
As I sat there listening to all the reasons why she went through with her abortions, I could see the pain in her heart as her fingers wrapped tightly around the stone. She assured me that life for her was just fine, but her fingers were telling me a different story as they were turning white from clutching the stone.
On my way home, her words kept rolling around in my mind. I thought “why a stone?” Then it dawned on me. Some religions believe that stones bring healing and others believe they protect you from evil spirits. I’m familiar with this way of thinking because my older sister practices this stone believing faith (?).
The next morning during my time with the Lord, He brought me to Ezekiel 36:26. He laid on my heart that many of us have false idols in our lives, just like the Israelites did. When we decide to take hold of false ‘truth’ in this world, our hearts become callous and in time turn hard … just like the stone that the young woman was holding in her hand. The voice of God starts to grow faint. We start to act on what we feel and not on God’s truth, or we become too ashamed to ever believe that the God of the Universe could love us.
Many times I think about that stone and what it truly represents. It’s a reminder of what could have been, what should have been, if only we hadn’t placed our desires before God’s. I remember when my desires caused me to ignore the voice of God. How thankful I am that God didn’t leave me in that place. It wasn’t easy facing what I had done, but it never is. My willingness to lay down my filthy rags for His righteousness was the beginning of my stony heart becoming a heart of flesh.
When placing our lives in God’s hands, our hearts become flesh.
Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Father God,
Your Word is Life. You are full of mercy and grace, so we ask , oh Lord, to pour down on us. We pray that hearts would be soften and the foundation that has been built against You would crumble. Despite all that we have done as a nation, You desire us to be Your children.
We as believers in Jesus Christ, come together asking that many hearts of stone will become flesh at the very touch of Your hand. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
Whether I speak to an audience of many or just one, sharing that over 20 years ago I decided to have an abortion, I can hear sounds of emotion in the air. Here’s my thought during that moment, Are you pro-abortion (pro-choice) or pro-life? It may surprise you that I called myself a Christian and believed abortion should be legal, never thinking in a million years that I would go down that road.
Being a Christian and pro-choice is not as uncommon as you might think. I was actually quite surprised when I did a Google search. I found words that compared an unplanned pregnancy to a mistake or a punishment. I read several articles that even stated that until the baby takes its first breath outside of the womb it’s not considered a person to those who are pro- abortion (pro-choice).
I must be honest here; I was pro-abortion (pro-choice) for many years after my abortion. Are you surprised? I went to church every Sunday and I read my Bible. I knew God had forgiven me, yet I struggled to love my daughter who was born 4 years after the abortion. Numerous times I would cry out to God, asking Him why I felt this way. Then one day as I was preparing my testimony, God led me to Psalm 127:3. He showed me that my pregnancy wasn’t a mistake or a punishment, but it was a child. I served Him with my words. I worshiped Him with song. But I had not completely humble myself. For the first time I saw my abortion as my child, a life that God created.
From the White House to the churches, many still believe that a unplanned pregnancy is a mistake or a punishment. Many of us have ways of justifying our actions or not fully submitting to God’s truth…I know I did.
Psalm 25:9 He leads the humble in doing right,
teaching them his way.
Father God,
As believers in Christ, we acknowledge that You are the Creator and we are Your creation. Search us, oh Lord, and show us the areas that we still hold on to that doesn't glorify Your name. Stir our hearts to be willing to set aside our ways,our thoughts and humbly lay them before You.
Forgive us for the times that we didn't trust You in situations that we choose to face alone.
We pray, Father God, that our president and this nation would start to hear the cries of all the innocent blood that is taken because of abortion. May they be reminded, as they look upon the faces of their loved ones, that life isn't a choice but a gift from God.
Convict the hearts that stand against You, so they will humble themselves and learn Your ways. In the Mighty Name of Jesus...Amen!
If you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel ashamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
I once knew someone who was known for pulling out her little device that ‘guaranteed’ to tell you the sex of the child that was hidden in your womb. This gadget consisted of a long piece of thread attached to a sewing needle. She would grab the end of the thread and dangle the needle over the palm of your hand. Slowly it would begin to move, and depending on the direction of the needle … whether it went in a circle or a straight line … she could tell if you were carrying a boy or girl. Now I didn’t believe it, but I will say she had 50-50 chance of being right.
Today, we don’t need to look for the woman with a needle in her pocket, but instead, we can get an ultrasound that will show the very life growing inside the womb. This instrument plays an important role in many crisis pregnancy centers. It saves lives. It changes hearts.
I remember hearing about a young lady who called our center looking for help. She told her family that she was pregnant. They were not happy and were pressuring her to have an abortion. We suggested that she come in for ultrasound, hoping it would make a difference once her mom looked at the screen. However, the day of her visit, her mom decided to stay in the car during the ultrasound. As soon as the instrument began touching her womb, the picture took on life. There was the baby, 11 weeks old. She became so excited that she said “My mom has to see this. Can you go and get her ‘cause I know she’ll change her mind.” Having seen the baby, the mother did change her mind. The baby was given life. A heart was changed.
There’s someone else whose heart has been changed through an ultrasound, too. Abby Johnson is the former director of an abortion clinic in Texas. She no longer encourages women to end a life, but instead she speaks out to help save lives of the unborn. (The video although it's not graphic, you may not want children around.)
Psalm 139: 13-15
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
Father God,
We, as believers, lift our voices to give You praise. Holy is Your name.You are the Creator of life, knowing all things. Thank you for the opportunity that You have given us to look inside the darkness of the womb. We ask that Satan's plan to destroy the lives of the unborn would be bound, in the name of Jesus! That those who are planning to have an abortion or are involved in abortions, will see the work of Your hands and will change their minds. No longer can we live in denial of when life begins.Thank you for the many hearts that are changed everyday because of this ultrasound and for lives that are being saved.
In Jesus Mighty Name...Amen!
About a year ago, God laid something very important on Melinda’s (Traveling the Road Home) heart and it was to start a prayer team for the abortion issue facing our country. She gave it a name “Changing One Heart for Many” and asked willing participants to stand in the gap with her. She even, shall I say, dares us to make a commitment to pray for a period of time: 3 months, 6months, 9months, or 1 year. She made it pretty easy. It was her desire to come together as one to change the heart of one, President Obama.
As some of you may already know, she has asked me to take over the Blogger Pro Life Prayer Team. So, for the next 52 weeks we will be approaching God in prayer …“Changing One Heart for Many.” Through prayer, I realized the name that Melinda had chosen was PREFECT! In order to save the life of the unborn, the heart has to change in every human being who believes that an abortion should be a “choice.”
Here’s how you can get involved:
Leave a comment on this post stating your commitment to pray every Monday with your pledge time: 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or 1 year.
Every Monday I will have posted something of interest that has to do with abortion, whether it is a personal story, political, or one of the many other issues relating to how abortions affects us. I will also have a Scripture, and end the post with a prayer
Now, if you’re visiting for the first time and you don’t know my story (God’s Story), you may want to check it on the left-hand side bar under “My Secret Sin.” I was one of those human beings who needed a heart change. If you have had an abortion, I want you to know you will find no condemnation here, but you will find Truth wrapped in grace and mercy. God has brought you here because He doesn’t want you to hurt and feel a shamed anymore, but what He does want from you is to trust Him with your pain. Will you do that? I hope so. If you need to talk or need prayer, click on ‘profile’ for email.
Ezekiel 36:26 And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.
Father God,
What a pledge it is that You have chosen us to stand againist the evil one. Many hearts are hard because they have placed their own deires before Yours. God, we ask for those who have turned their backs on You that their eyes would be opened, so they could see the lives being destroyed. Not only the lives of the unborn but their own. Cause them to ache with sadness in order to soften their heart.
Thank you Father God, for the many hearts that will be changed today and throughout the year in the precious name of Jesus...Amen.
Today starts a week of awareness for Sanctity of Human Life. My friend, Pat Layton, author of "Surrendering the Secret" an abortion recovery bible study will be posting all week long a different thought regarding Sanctity of Human Life.
God is using her to help other women with the pain of abortion. Take a few moments to check out her web-blog, there you will find compassion and grace as she shares her heart.
Also grab the picture above and place it on your blog for the week...please. You never know who might be visiting and is holding on to "the secret."