Saturday, November 15, 2008

Joining In

Over at Edie's Rich Gifts,the random question is "Wanna play tag?" So between her question and being tagged by Jennifer,I've decided to join in.

1. My mind goes blank when I’m asked to make a list about…me. I know, you’re thinking “really, you wouldn’t know that by reading your posts.”

2. I hate to iron and put it off until I can't avoid it any more. My husband was reading my answers and just informed with this comment..."I have a lot of empty hangers in my closet."

3. The thought of growing old scares me.

4. When I am getting ready to go some place I will try on up to 10 different pieces of clothing and still wonder if I made the right choice.

5. I love buying jewelry (costume) but when I get it home I never wear it! It doesn’t seem to look right on me, it just looks great on everyone else.

6. When everyone goes to bed, I become a night eater.

7. I’m addict to drinking Dr. Pepper and popcorn that is made on the stove with butter on the weekends.

8. When I talk to my children about my childhood I say…back in the olden days.

9. I am troubled by where the matching sock goes once it enters the dryer.

10. At times I can be controlling.

11. I used to hate the internet but since I’ve discover the blogging world; I’m on it too much!

12. I love shoes and I have tons of black shoes…a girl can’t have too many BLACK shoes.

13. I don’t like to have someone drop in for a visit…I need to clean my house, first.

14. During my childhood all my cats were named Kitty something or something kitty.

15. I never had a desired to write, so this is definitely a God thing! I'm loving it.


Jennifer said...

Are you sure we weren't twins seperated at birth??? Here are my replies to your 15 things...I had so many more that I could have written about.

#2 I hate to iron and take my hubby's clothes to this $1.00 cleaners...I iron mine and Ty's clothes before we put them on.
#3 Doesn't care me but I just don't want to look like I'm old.
#4 I do the same but most of the time it's because they don't fit anymore.
#5 I do the same
#6 Me too...that's where my weight gain came from
#7 Addicted to Diet DP
#9 Please figure it I can get rid of this stack of single socks with no mates
#10 Me too, Sista
#13 Amen...hate company cause house is never clean enough
#14 I had one have one named Tiger (9 yrs)

Thanks for playing...loved learning more about my "twin" :)

Have a blessed weekend!!!

Edie said...

I enjoyed reading this Tammy. I was waayy addicted to Dr Pepper when I was in HS. Getting old doesn't scare me but looking old makes me a bit nervous.

Thanks for playing along. It's always fun to find out a little of the day to day stuff about bloggy friends. :)

My name is Bonnie, said...

Love your new picture!


On Purpose said...

A girl can never have too many pairs of shoes period! Black, red, running shoes, boots, dress shoes, slippers,....the more the merrier!

Nice to meet you!

Christine said...

This really could be my list! I'm with you...hate to iron! A dollar well spent if you ask me! Have a great day! =o)

Tea with Tiffany said...

The thought of growing old scares me too. Glad you are enjoying writing. It's a God thing for me too.

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

How fun! Hey, I'm a night eater, too. I think it's because my kids are in bed and I no longer have to share! LOL!

Have a great day,

Alene said...

We have a lot in common. Especially # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . and oh those shoooooooeeess!!! You picture looks great. Hop over this week and check out the give-aways. Blessings girl!

God's Girl said...

I always enjoy reading random things with new blog friends.
Nice to 'meet' you. thanks for sharing.

Blessings to you!


Carol said...

Oh I'm with you, I hate ironing and and putting laundry away.

Don't like growing old, Love popcorn made on the stove so much better than microwave.
Black shoes, and black purses for me.

Enjoyed learning a bit more about you.
