Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yes To God On Tuesday

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

Can you believe it; we’re at the last chapter of this book and what a journey it has been. I really didn’t think there was much for me to learn but I found out pride and vanity still existed in my life.

This last chapter put the icing on the cake. What a perfect title, LisaThe Truth Heals.

Oh, how I love this statement made by Lisa “Know this, my sisters and friends: Jesus is the only One who can truly heal our souls, from the inside out.”
Yes, Jesus is the Truth!
I lived in my own truth for years to fit my needs and wants. I listened to Satan as he would use the lies of the media, the voices of lust and the desires of becoming Ms. Perfection, Ms.Confidence, Ms. Happiness and Ms. Spirituality. By living that way I stepped right into the path of the enemy. Now, he didn’t ignore me, oh no, at first he was very encouraging, quite helpful and gave me logical insight. Living in his world, was leading me to destruction but then Truth stepped in and I was healed!

I’m grateful for the many prayers my mom prayed for me during those years, for standing in the gap fighting the enemy with words of praise. Thanking God in advance for drawing me to the foot of the cross. If I had one more day with my mother I would thank her for her faithfulness in praying for my salvation and talk about all the wonderful truths God has shown us.

God, I ask that you would bless Lisa for her obedience in writing this book. God, bless Lelia for being a great host and friend. Touch them both and expand they territory, walk with them and keep them from the enemy.
Going through this study has brought me closer in my walk with the Lord and has given me a thirst to spend more time with my sweet Jesus.

Thank you to all who shared their stories and how God has taken you from glory to glory.
Thank you letting me be a part of your journey, my friends…may I call you friend?


Anonymous said...


I am also thankful for my mother, grandmothers and so many that pray for me and have prayed for me!! He does answer our prayers--just look at Lelia's Gene!! Amazing!!

It has been a wonderful book study. Hope you are going to join in again in January!?!?

blessings to you today- friend!

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine said...

Prayer is powerful,...such a simple yet powerful tool! Thank you for posting this awesome post. Another friend of mine has been doing this study as well and it has been a wonderful blessing to follow along! Thanks for your insight. Sorry for the deleted comment...I proofed after I hit the button!

Train Up a Child -- Encouragement for Moms said...

Mother's prayers are so powerful. It is one of the things I cling to in raising my two children knowing that God was faithful to answer my own mom's prayers.

Thank you so much for sharing,


Joy Junktion said...

I definately join you in prayer as we ask our Father to Bless both Lisa and Lelia. They have opened their lives so that we might see Jesus more clearly and be changed.
I'm so glad you walked this journey with us and I have had the opportunity to get to know you.
You are a blessing.

Laura said...

I am already missing you!! Yes! Let's keep tabs on each other. Your story has inspired me, and I so love reading your thoughts. What a blessing this Bible study has been.


Lelia Chealey said...

YES...please call me friend and I will call you that. Loved your thoughts on this last chapter and I made it through it without crying! :) You have really touched me throughtout this entire study...well even before we started this. You know a piece of my testimony that I haven't shared with much. I thank Him for somehow crossing our paths out here in blog land. He is so amazing.
Thank you again for all of your valued input. You bless me.

Lisa said...

It has been my highest joy to meet women like you through this online study and to get to hear firsthand of how God has revealed Himself to you! I am praising Him tonight for all the glory He is getting through teaching us to be real. I join you, friend, in the truth seeking journey. You are a blessing, Tammy!

Lisa :)

Carol said...

I am greatful and honored to call you friend.

I am also thankful for my sister who prayed for me for years and years.
