Welcome to another week to
“Yes to God” bible study with
Lelia as our host. I’m looking forward to seeing where God will take all of us as we read
“An Untroubled Heart” by
Micca Campbell.
Highlighted in
blue is taken from the book
At the end of chapter two
“the fear factor” there’s eight questions presented to build a strong foundation as we dig deeper into God’s Word. All of these questions really do get you thinker going, but for me, it was the simplest question that stood out.
“What fears do you have today?”
Well, let’s see. I fear the aging process. Without ever leaving upstate NY, I can have my very own tropical moment (menopause). Oh, I mustn’t forget the wrinkles, sagging skin, and one day having to wear those adult diapers (you’ve heard what happens when you cough) and will someday have my hair colored every four weeks instead of six because of the graying. I know what your thinking...
“Come on Tammy, that’s so superficial, there’s got to be something more fearful then that.” “You’re right, there is, but I don’t like to talk about.”
When I talk about, or even think about what might happen I become fearful. In the last 16 years, I’ve worked hard to build this foundation. Reading the instructions and being so careful to follow every word. From the outside, everything appears to look good. But when I drop my daughter off at school, that’s when fear shows up. Right before my eyes, I see the enemy luring our youth into the world of pleasure. Every week, I meet with young ladies over at the Crisis Pregnancy Center and see the choices they are making. I see how television, magazines and music glamorize sex before marriage. The fear that my daughter will walk down the same road I did…scares me.
I need to stop right here and be honest. I’ve been sitting at my computer for the last hour typing and deleting. Typing and deleting because I’m afraid that I don’t have something clever or profound to say. English class never was one of my a favorite subject. The fear of being judged on my writing ability scares me. Since I’ve started writing on my blog, I've been blessed with new friends, who love the Lord like I do. During my weekly visit to all of your blogs, I’m blown a way as I read your thoughts. Your words flow so beautifully together.
I’m not sure why I’m telling you this but I do feel a lot better now.
I love all of you for taking the time to visit and when I make my rounds, know that I receive wisdom, knowledge and many blessings from reading your thoughts.