In Christmas’ past I never gave it much thought on the birth of Christ. I know what you are all thinking “How could you not, aren’t you a Christian?”
Yes, I am and have been since 1990 but pondering the birth and what it meant to me, to mankind has never stirred my heart until now. Over the last month, God has used your stories and your willingness to share your love for Christ to touch my heart this Christmas season.
During my time spent with God this week, He has given me the joy of Christmas and I liked to share it with you.
I remember 26 years ago looking at the face of my first born and wondering what plans were set before him. Being his mother, I dreamed that his days as a toddler would be full of hugs, kisses and laughter. He would receive whatever his little heart desired and no tears would stain his face.
During his adolescences and teen years, he would be filled with a desire to learn, to be at the top of his class. Knowing that working hard would bring him into leadership and give him life of comfort with no pain in sight.
I remember gazing into his eyes as I cradled him in my arms; my hope for him was that he would walk through life unscarred and unashamed.
I’m thankful for not knowing all the plans set before my son. My heart couldn’t have bared all the valleys and tears that I have collected through the years.
But Father God didn’t have to wonder or hope…He knew.
(John 8:36-37)
Jesus answered, “
My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.”
Pilate said, “So you are a king?”
Jesus responded, “
You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”He knew his Son’s birth was for a purpose, to come as King and to testify truth to the world.
God watched as His Son; lay helpless in Mary’s arms as a babe, knowing the day would come when His Son would be hung helplessly on the Cross for our sins.
I can only imagine, Father God listening to his Son’s sweet child-like voice, as he talked to his earthly parents during the hidden years, knowing that one day He would be hearing the cries from his Son’s heart in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Now,I know,the Christ Child had to come on that appointed day, the day had been marked from the very first command of God’s voice. God could have stopped it but where would we have been? All odds were against us, from the very beginning. There was no other way but through Jesus, the spotless Lamb; He is the Way, the Truth and the Life…between us and God.
In the past, I’ve decorated the tree, made the cookies and wrapped the presents. I’ve placed the manger on the mantle as my mind wondered on the next task that needed to be done.
I’ve raised my hands during worship, singing songs this Christmas season, as I’m thinking about the family gathering on Christmas day.
But today is different. God, once again, found me, for I was seeking. He showed me when the Holy Spirit over-shadowed Mary,it was the day a King was to be born for all mankind to bring truth into the world.
Father God,
Please forgive me for seeing a child in the manger and not a Savior. Forgive me for walking to the tree to gather the gifts, when I should have dropped to my knees with a humble heart.