On February 8th I posted about Christians who are pro-abortion. I want to thank you for praying and the supporting comments that were left. But I don’t always receive such support. Many times I contribute to Cypress Times which is located in Texas; some times I’ll use the same posting from my blog. I’m not sure if I think they are so interesting that I need to share them again or it’s just easier not to have to come up with a totally different topic. Anyway, I posted February 8th ‘Changing One Heart for Many’ and received this comment: “I think it's very dangerous when a person makes such a stern judgement about their fellow Christians. We are all responsible for our own walk and it is not up to me to determine if someone is truly born again based on something as gut wrenching as abortion. We are all individuals and we're allowed to be wrong and still be Christians.” Read the rest here by scrolling down the page.
Last week a young lady made this statement to me “I was given some booklets that had to do with spiritual counseling at the clinic where I had my abortion. It led me to believe that being religious and having an abortion was okay. I felt a little better for a while.” Later that evening I wanted to check out just what she was talking about, so I went to the abortion website and this is what I found.
After watching the video, I thought “we need to pray”. We are fighting a spiritual battle. We need to be the voice that will speak the truth of God. As followers of Christ, should we not be concerned of the deception that is blinding those who call out “Lord, Lord” yet choose to twist the Scriptures. Should we not be concerned about the millions of pre-born babies that are being aborted? Should we not be concerned for the women who believe that there is only one ‘choice’ in facing an unplanned pregnancy?
Ephesians 6:12 (Amplified Bible) For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.Father God,
There are times when we look around and see a battle that appears to big for us to fight. But You , Oh Lord, see a speck of dust that will be blown away by one mighty word spoken from Your mouth. Help us not to become discouraged as we fight this battle.Give us wisdom to know how to pray and the strength to stand against the enemy.
We pray for the lives of those who are lost in religion to see Your Truth. Awaken the heart so that they would come to a place of repentance and enter into a relationship with Your Son , Jesus. We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.